The Absent Teacher Reserves, that is. Klein is closing 5 more failing high schools, and replacing them with 25 "small schools" that no one will want to attend.
Among these schools is Lafayette, headed by desperate principal Jolanta Rohloff. As Ms. Rohloff and 3 of the others heading the failing schools are Leadership Academy graduates, the chancellor will give them other positions, rather than publicly vilifying them (as he did to administrators of other failing schools).
After all, since Klein and Bloomberg are never wrong, graduates of the Leadership academy can never be wrong either. Meanwhile, half the teachers of these schools will be sent out as full-time salaried subs, regardless of how well they may teach. Teaching Fellows who are not retained will be fired and dropped from their college programs (though Teacher J reminds me that won't happen again till next year).
It's all about appearance. And though my 250% capacity building will get an extra 500 students next year, the tabloids will continue to sing the praises of this mayor.
I guess he can keep sending us kids until we're bad enough to break up.
Thanks, Mayor Mike. The kids at my school, along with the parents who heavily invested in the neighborhood, salute you. So do the mayors in LA and DC. The strategy of appearing to be improving things by moving kids from place to place is a huge political winner.