Sunday, April 19, 2009

To Serve You Better

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is cutting tutoring for elementary kids who have reading problems. This is a good thing, because as long as papers keep reporting the things the "education mayor" actually does, there is always the danger people may read about them. The fewer city residents who actually know how to read, the better the chances Mayor Bloomberg can buy their votes in the election he enabled by overturning term limits.

Furthermore, the less education people have, the better they'll be able to accommodate the ever-increasing need for low-wage, no-benefit 200-hour-a-week employees. Someone's got to do those jobs, and teaching people how to read just doesn't help at all.

Maybe that's what the mayor is talking about on those jobs, jobs, jobs ads he's running on TV.

Let it not be said this administration lacks a long-term vision.
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