First, Mr. Paladino, the word you were looking for at the beginning of the debate was "dismantle," rather than "dismember," in reference to the state education department. Because while Ms. Tisch and her cohorts and I have certainly had our differences, I would rather not see them dismembered. The technical definition of dismember may be quite similar to "dismantle," true. But still, connotation matters, as I try to teach my students. (Badly, apparently, because I am a member of an EVIL EVIL UNION.)
Also, Mr. Paladino, the EVIL EVIL UNION that is so EVIL you cannot remember its name is the New York State United Teachers. It is not, as you call it, the United Union of Teachers. Although I enjoy tautologies as much as the next blogger, and think United Union of Teachers is sort of catchy, still, please do try to get our name right if you're going to crucify us in a public debate.
Finally, Mr. Paladino, since I try to be a generous opponent, I will tell you that I think your bracelets are awesome. Seriously. It's a sweet gesture.