1. am I responsible if Bismarck is confused with Bolivar because someone did not care to study?
2. am I responsible if the student's texting interferes with study?
3. am I responsible if the student sees little value in understanding the Bantu migration?
4. am I responsible if the student has too many tests for which to study, and mine is but one of many?
5. am I responsible if the student has no quiet place to study?
6. am I responsible if the student has too little food, or the wrong sort, on his table?
7. am I responsible if the student has personal issues which interfere with his or her ability to study?
8. am I responsible if the parent works two jobs to make ends meet and cannot check homework?
9. am I responsible if a student lacks enough sleep to function adequately on those measures that relate to my lessons?
10. am I responsible for a million things that could interfere with the ability of my teaching to translate into measurable student progress?
The answer is most decidedly "Yes!"--if you are an ed. "reformer."
The answer is "No!"--if you are someone who bases your life upon reason!