Saturday, August 12, 2006

Condo Complex Has Everything (Almost)

Mayor Mike must be excited about the new East Side condo complex. There will be seven new high-rise residential buildings, and one new commercial building. The current residents of the area don't much care for the plan, as it will bring 10,000 new residents to their area.

They think 10,000 extra residents will cause overcrowding, as there is no subway, and the buses are already overcowded. What a bunch of crybabies. Can't they find alternate transportation? I mean, let's not go overboard. Why charter a helicopter when a simple limo will do? And if you must charter a helicopter, carpool for goodness sakes.

The other thing this new community lacks is a school, and the locals are whining about that as well. Now why on earth would anyone rich enough to buy into this development send their kids to public schools? Everyone knows that's for the bootless and unhorsed. You don't see Joel Klein or Mayor Mike sending their kids to public schools, for goodness sakes.

There will be "some affordable housing," whatever "some" means, and whatever "affordable" means. I suppose those who can only afford "affordable" can fight for spots in 200 plus percent capacity schools.

Remember, in NYC it's always "chidren first."

Just not your children.

Thanks to Patrick