Updating a story that ran yesterday, the Daily News now says the 58-year-old custodian accused of molesting an 8-year-old child was falsely accused. Apparently the child was an abuse victim and had accused others as well.
This brings to mind the current United Federation of Teachers contract that allows for teachers to be suspended for 90 days without pay based on just the type of unsubstantiated allegations that landed this unfortunate working man in Rikers. Thus far, I've heard of two teachers falsely charged under this clause and no case in which the charges were sustained.
Fortunately, neither UFT President Randi Weingarten nor much of her army of patronage employees will never have to worry about such things. Their jobs do not require them to spend much time interacting with schoolchildren, so such accusations are unlikely to affect them as they sit doing whatever it is they do there at 52 Broadway. That's why they have no problem adding such odious clauses to the contract.
Thanks to reality based educator who blogs about this right here.