by Fred Klonsky
Fred Klonsky is a former teacher and union president from Chicago. He is a current retiree, education activist, artist and blogger. Fred does my favorite political cartoons, with a focus on education, and drew the portrait featured here. From the "I wish I'd thought of that" department, Fred looked at the blog I posted here yesterday, and ran with it.
UFT leadership decided it was a bad idea to say that "President-elect Donald Trump" made outrageous and controversial statements and decided to attribute them to "The Presidential Election" instead. I thought it was absurd, but Fred took it to another level altogether.
Here is "Not Naming Names" from Fred's blog:
Like many, I was surprised when they declared The Presidential Election the winner over Hillary Clinton. All the polls had predicted that Hillary would beat The Presidential Election by 3 to 6 percentage points.
Both Clinton and The Presidential Election were higly unpopular and many Democrats and Republicans were unhappy with the choices of Clinton and The Presidential Election.
It appears that in the final days, most of the undecided voters broke in favor of The Presidential Election.
This in spite of all that The Presidential Election has done and said during the campaign.
The Presidential Election has promised to deport millions of immigrants.
The Presidential Election has described women in the most degrading terms.
The Presidential Election acted as a demagogue in calling for law and order and appealed to the worst kinds of racism and white supremacy.
The outcome of the election makes me leery of making predictions about how it will be possible for The Presidential Election to keep the promises that The Presidential Election made to working people.
Can The Presidential Election bring back a lost industrial base, the loss of which is structural.
And what about the basically anti-democratic forces and individuals that The Presidential Election has surrounded himself with?
People like the international racist conspirator, Steve Bannon, seem to have the ear of The Presidential Election.
I think it is important that we name names and call them out.
Beware Collateral Damage
3 hours ago