1. How high do you jump up and down every time you go to this teacher's class?
a. very high b. high c. somewhat high d. a little bit e. I don't jump at all. The teacher sucks.
2. What do you say when you raise your hand in this class?
a. OOH! OOH! OOH! b. OOH! OOH! c. Ooh. d. Blah e. I don't raise my hand. The teacher sucks.
3. Does the teacher give you candy?
a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. rarely e. Never. The teacher sucks.
4. Does the teacher come over to your house and do your homework for you?
a. Yes. b. Yes, but only for his class. c. sometimes d. rarely e. Never. The teacher sucks
5. How often does the teacher make you explain your answers?
a. always. The teacher sucks. b. Usually. The teacher sucks. c. Sometimes. The teacher sucks.
d. Rarely. The teacher sucks. e. Never. The teacher sucks.
6. How much do the teachers stupid rules cramp your style?
a. always. The teacher sucks. b. Usually. The teacher sucks. c. Sometimes. The teacher sucks.
d. Rarely. The teacher sucks. e. Never. The teacher sucks.
7. Does this teacher control the class well enough, or does she suck?
a. She controls the class well enough. b. She controls the class well enough, but she sucks anyway.
c. She doesn't control the class well enough, so she sucks. d. She sucks at controlling the class.
e. She sucks at controlling the class, and she sucks in general
8. Does the teacher roll out a red carpet every time you enter the classroom?
a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. rarely e. Never. The teacher sucks.
9. How often are you so thrilled to be in the class that you don't think about food, sex, video games, or your iPhone?
a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. rarely e. Never. The teacher sucks.
10. Is the teacher always bugging you to do stuff?
a. always. The teacher sucks. b. Usually. The teacher sucks. c. Sometimes. The teacher sucks.
d. Rarely. The teacher sucks. e. Never. The teacher sucks.
11. Does your teacher jump up and down because she's so viscerally excited to teach your class?
a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. rarely e. Never. The teacher sucks.
12. When you're with your girlfriend or boyfriend, how often do you focus on this teacher's class instead of one another?
always. This teacher is ruining my life. b. often. Man I wish this
teacher would get out of my face. c. Sometimes. This teacher really
sucks. d. Rarely, but only to make jokes about her. e. Never. Why would I
think about that moron?
13. When the teacher makes you
do some ridiculous impossible crap, how often does he insist you finish
it no matter how stupid it is?
a. always. The teacher sucks. b. Usually. The teacher sucks. c. Sometimes. The teacher sucks.
d. Rarely. The teacher sucks. e. Never. The teacher sucks.
14. How ignorant is this teacher?
a. very b. really c. extremely d. a whole lot e. This teacher sucks.
15. How boring is this class?
a. very b. really c. extremely d. a whole lot e. This teacher sucks.
16. Will this teacher give a golly gosh darn what you are doing three years from now?
a. No b. Nah c. Uh-uh d. Nyet e. Fugeddaboudit
17. How often does this teacher tell you how much you suck?
a. always b. too much c. every day d. continually e. a lot, but the teacher sucks more
18. Does this teacher genuflect when you enter the room?
a. always b. usually c. sometimes d. rarely e. Never. The teacher sucks.
19. How bad is the teacher at controlling crazy students? We don't mean you, of course.
a. terrible b. no good c. negative d. horrible e. awful
20. How hard is it to understand the stupid things this teacher says?
a. really hard b. very hard c. impossible d. forget about it e. The teacher sucks so I don't listen.
21. How good is this teacher at pretending to care about you?
a. not very b. not at all c. doesn't even try d. Who cares? e. This teacher sucks.
22. Does this teacher care if you understand?
a. no b. no c. no d. no e. all of the above
23. Does this teacher write individual lesson plans for each of her 170 students?
a. no b. no c. no d. no e. all of the above
24. How awkward do you feel talking with this weirdo teacher?
a. very b. really c. extremely d. a whole lot e. This teacher sucks.
25. If you walked into the class upset, the teacher would...
a. ignore you b. scream at you c. throw a cheeseburger at you d. make it worse e. all of the above
26. Would you rather be with this teacher or a cute puppy dog?
a. Are you kidding?
27. How much have you learned from this teacher?
a. nothing b. less than nothing c. diddly-squat d. nada e. The teacher sucks too much to listen.
Santa Venn
1 hour ago