Monday, April 26, 2021

UFT Executive Board April 26, 2021--Summer School, ERI, Retiree Health Care

UFT President Michael Mulgrew--Lots of work regarding mayoral endorsement. Will invite Stringer and Vanessa Gibson and push for them. We went to first nine schools working at three feet for around 75% of classes. We have protocols and BRTs and we will question all that's doubtful. Trying to get through end of school year. Meeting with DOE and CSA every Thursday. Calendar will come out soon, 180 days. We will send preference sheets out shortly, and SBOs will come out soon thereafter.

Assumption is next year will be regular work day/ week. Schools that found adjustments they like may have options, but calendar is very tight. Asynchronous days are possibility, and teachers could get per session to set them up. 

Students opting in or out--There will have to be a timeline. We will have to try to get students back into schools. It's important we get a large majority, but we also need a date by which families can decide. After that, we can get to programming so as to preclude the city opening late in total confusion.

We continue to monitor positivity rate, which stays at .6, very low. 1K classrooms closed under new policy, but as of last week down to 790. We need to know what's going on so we can fix issues, especially as we go down to three feet. Safety teams are doing great work.

Executive budget for NYC has significant raise. DOE will want to hire people for themselves. We may have to fight over this, and enforce five point plant. We see college to career counselor program happening through August. 

Summer school--M. Sill--Postings still not up.

Mulgrew--If you have retention, you will get it, but vast majority of summer school will be in person. Some remote for 683 because of medical accommodations. Will move forward. Planning to have up to 200K in summer school. If people want to work, they can. Will probably happen over next two years due to federal funds.

May raise is no problem. City has a lot of money with fully funded CFE.

ERI--Trustees and pension people have plans. Will be call center. If we come to final agreement, we will focus retirement services on those 50 and above for a period. Will be mad rush if we get settlement.

5 pt. plan--focusing on intervention and class sizes. Will never get to reduction unless we have plan. Intervention teams important. We are training ourselves to understand whether people need support. Will discuss this further as it rolls out.

We need a negotiating committee as contract comes to an end. Will probably be with next admin. We will have teams for each chapter negotiating with city, hopefully.

Medical accommodations--Will not be blanket accommodations as were this year. Process still there, will be looked at on case by case basis. We will advocate for individuals. This will have to be individual member issues. For taking care of family, that wasn't under the law. We were able to negotiate that because so many students had opted out with pandemic placing so many at risk. City will follow law.

Vaccination status--Administrators may not ask school via survey. Your status is your medical decision, covered under HIPPA. It should not be something management asks workers.

Retiree health care--We've been saying for years we are changing our strategy in terms of health care. There is full page ad in NYT calling out Presbyterian Hospital for ridiculous prices. MLC put out RFP on retiree health. We're not going to wait as costs get out of control and we lose benefits. We're going to chase best prices and benefits and enhance them. Hospitals all say they're not for profit, but it's not true as they hand out multi-million dollar bonuses. 

Bloomberg had a great strategy. He never made any chances. He thought costs would skyrocket and workers would give up raises and benefits. We want an active partner, the city, help us fight outrageous increases. Health care is getting squeezed like no one has ever seen.

Until there is federal intervention, which we support, we will aggressively pursue savings. Some people have no issues lying about things that will not happen. We want to keep our benefits, get better prices, and any savings we get go into the health fund for all city workers. Right now, RFP is on retiree health. In service gets negotiated next year.

NY Presbyterian not happy today. We shouldn't be charged $800 to get temp taken. We have to pay those charges. We are basically a self-insured system. At year's end, every single service we get is on a sheet with a number. We're going to push back. If we do some creative things, we get some good savings, but we need more value. We have massive numbers under these plans. We're saying if you want access to these vast numbers, we don't want to support huge bonuses while you say you aren't for profit.

Chapter leader stipends--LeRoy Barr--We will work figures for what people get credit for, and we'll publish them soon.

Mulgrew--Covid came in the middle of this. We'll be able to do this better during regular school year to recognize great work chapter leaders do for our city.

Thank you, hope you have a nice week, will be 80 degrees.