Monday, October 18, 2021

UFT Executive Board October 18, 2021---Health Care Concerns and More

UFT Secretary LeRoy Barr--Welcomes us. Minutes approved. Nominations to replace Sterling Roberson, who has retired as CTA VP.

Mike Sill--Nominates Leo Gordon, who worked in a CTA school. Taught how to be effective organizer and how students learned in CTA setting. Gordon can extend Sterling's embrace of technology. Was helpful teaching how to do remote teaching. No one better qualified. 

No other nominees. Leo Gordon is unopposed. 

Gordon--Thanks committee, is honored, CTE is my life. Believes in it and will help usher in new generation of professionals.

UFT President Michael Mulgrew--Congratulates Gordon. Thanks coordinators for Strides. Happy 3D mammograms are up and running. 

Last week, D 75 took huge hit on paras. Many unvaccinated paras were D75. UFT called schools, asked how many had been nominated and not processed. There were hundreds. DOE took no responsibility, saying there were things missing in system. UFT reached out to those people to fill in whatever was missing, and got 500 paras processed today. Still working on it. All about communication.

Biggest challenges are student communities not being supported properly. Former Rikers school was locking members in rooms and not letting them out. Again DOE took no responsibility. We pressured them and city hall complained to state. Constantly dealing with these challenges. 

Critical of mayor. Over two months of decisions based on what will help him run for next office. Have had many phone conversations with Eric Adams to try and help with transition. 

DN says Eric Adams is rolling back program for retirees. Adams said he never said that. We have to communicate more than ever. Over Election Day, for example. We had asynchronous agreement. Said yes Thursday, no Sunday, then that they had until 15th to inform or it was remote. No way to run school system. 

Through this year and next we will look at health care for both retirees and in service. Retiree plan will be good. Many spreading misinformation. We will make sure retirees are happy. We still have to deal with in service health care. DC lobbyists spending billions lobbying NOT to cap drug costs. Pharma companies very much against it. Bot Republicans and Dems said they want to stop it. We were able to push legislation on surprise billing. We want you to use ER when it's an emergency. Nothing about health care is free. We bargain for it all the time and pay for it. When people start pushing single payer they dont understand we will lose what we have now and going forward.

We've already paid for health care. value gone if it passes. Billions in budget. If health care needs 4.5 billion increase it's coming from education. We will push this out in communications. 

Going from mayor to governor race will make things interesting. Bloomberg wants to be relevant again. We will follow, and do more impact bargaining. Changes require it. We will help people understand issues. 

Close to vaccine for 5-11 year olds. LA already mandated vaccines for eligible students. Adams will look toward doing that, he says. People will come to us for our opinion. Thanks to Strides and D75 again. 

Impact bargaining is operational.

?--Had agreement with DOE, Paras could be sent to schools, DOE violated. Have to be placed in proper borough, reverse seniority order. Ended in one week. Another redeployment agreement also violated almost immediately. Filed operational complaint, resolved as of Friday. Those placed interborough get $67 per day. 

Special Ed. Recovers Services--Case managers had to meet with teachers, contact parent, make plan. Two per session hours for every student on caseload for every student, to be done after schools. Issue with people allowed to work from home, should be resolved this week.

?--Digital classroom, should be done by Oct. 1. One day worth of lessons in it. Will be $225 supplemental this month. Instructional lunch--Children having lunch while teacher is teaching--teachers get coverage every time that happens. 

Report from Districts-

?--As of 4 today, UFT raised 95,000 dollars. Michael Freedman team raised 5K.

?--Please encourage seniors to fill out Al Shanker scholarship forms. Will be student portal this year to upload transcripts. Next year they can apply online. 

6:36 We are adjourned. 

?--Sub incentive.50 day for certain time.

Debbie Poulos--operational process--Last year we had expedited process. Now we have new agreement--Five school days at school and district level, and we meet once a week as needed. We have one escalated case on instructional lunch from a high school. 


Digital classrooms--Is it four hours for every person?

A--225 each for everyone. 

Note: I seem to have lost the last few minutes of the meeting here. Not sure why. Ended at 6:26.