Sunday, December 04, 2005

Intelligent Design—Unevolved Course Outline

University of Kansas students waiting to study "Intelligent Design" are bound for disappointment. The Kansas City Star reports they're pulling the course. Is it a Darwinist conspiracy?

No, apparently university officials are upset by comments made by Paul Mirecki, head of the university’s Religious Studies Department. Professor Mirecki was to teach the course, but pulled the plug after some of his emails to a student site for atheists came to light:

Mirecki repeatedly criticized fundamentalist Christians and Jews and mocked Catholicism...In one of the new e-mails, Mirecki wrote: “I don’t think most Catholics really know what they are supposed to believe, they just go home and use condoms and some of them beat their wives and husbands.”

In Spanish they say "Tiene doctorado pero no es educado."

He has a doctorate, but he isn't educated.
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