Monday, April 30, 2007

Mr. Bloomberg's Secret Weapon

Reorganize your city's school system from top to bottom. When you fail to produce viable results, just do it again, and again. What would you pay for a manual that showed you how to do that?

Don't answer yet. Reorgs can show you how to get taxpayers to finance every bit of your program, and make it appear that you know what you're doing.

Want to stay in office based on your educational "achievements?" All you need is this book, enough money to finance your own campaign, and the most inept opponents on God's green earth.

Here are just a few testimonials from satisfied customers:

Mike from Manhattan says:
Boy, this book is the bee's knees. I didn't know a darn thing about governing a large city, let alone making people think I was improving schools. This book has been well-worth what the taxpayers shelled out for it. I'm gonna have them send copies to my buddies in LA and DC pronto.
Joel the K. says:

Before I got this book, I had a tedious, demanding job. Now I hobnob with rich people, go to gala luncheons, and journalists everywhere want my opinions. Thanks, Reorgs. I'll never have to read another book again.
Available at finer bookstores everywhere. But get 'em quick, before your political opponents horde all the copies for themselves.

Coming soon: Statistics for Mayors
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