Friday, August 14, 2009

Grow Up, Says MTA

Kids these days are getting away with murder. They go to school instead of doing odd jobs for coal miners, and rarely utter, "Yes sir, no sir, please let me go sir," as they properly should. They seem to think the world owes them a living, and very few of them opt to go to KIPP 200 hours a week and prepare for the life of servitude they so richly owe us.

However, New York City has come to the rescue. First they closed scores of schools, broadening the horizons of these mollycoddled children by making them travel all over the city on a daily basis. But that wasn't enough to harden them to the realities of this miserable trail of tears, so the MTA has decided to chip in by denying them half-fare on some of their express buses.

Predictably, those affected whined about it:

The student fare will rise to $5.50 per trip from $2.50.

"It's pretty upsetting," said Daniel Masterson, 15, who gets in a morning nap on his hour and 15-minute commute from City Island in the Bronx to Beacon High School in Manhattan.

"To me it's going be a really big inconvenience."...

Jeffrey Levine, 48, a social worker whose two daughters will commute this fall from Throgs Neck to the Saint Vincent Ferrer school, will endure a $120 weekly increase.

"It's going to be hard on my family affording full fare," Levine said.

Suck it up, kids. This is likely a pilot program. If tough NYC will just shut the heck up, as it's done through most of Mayor Bloomberg's tenure, this program could grow to affect all their buses, teaching working people everywhere a valuable lesson. There are still stadiums to be built, there are still tax breaks to be given to developers, and it's about time you started paying your fair share.

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