Good morning. You can imagine how thrilled I must be to be amongst all you instructional purveyors. Let's get right down to it and clarify why we're in this location at this point in time. Our objective, naturally, is to enhance the experience of your instructional targets.
We will do this, of course, via differentiated instruction. Over decades of facilitating standards-based rigorous curriculum and instructing pedagogues how to integrate rubric-centered learning styles, I've concluded definitively the most desirable mode of achieving differentiated instruction is via the quality review rubric, because it's uniform, and thus there is no room whatsoever for variation.
I glean you've consummated your arrival tardily. Was there any particular objective you were trying to achieve?
Well, I was talking to a kid...
Let's get this in perspective. You were interfacing with an instructional target?
He had an issue...
So, there was an obstruction in communication? Did you consult a rubric? One can never be too proactive. You know, 20 years ago I was in a standards-based aggregate in Cleveland. Would you like me to expound on what we synergized there?
No, I just want to sit down, please...
So, let's rap. OK. Was there clarity now? Let's implement the document I've allocated. Presently, we shall cast our collective gaze upon indicators 1.1, 2.2, 3.2 and 4.1. Is everyone thoroughly prepared to be waylaid by a wholly unexpected notion? These four items alone constitute 40% of the quality review. That's why I'm so excited to be networking among your peer group. If we can exercise shared initiatives to meet the objectives of this rubric, are you cognizant of what that will signify?
I have to be at the trailer in 8 minutes...
This entire process is in your hands! You will be empowered to orchestrate outcome-based initiatives that will potentially delay the inevitable closure of your educational facility! Imagine the mastery-focused benchmarks we can unleash upon the observers!
Now it's vital you retain the manipulatives I've distributed. I can sense the problem-solving rubrics we can create together. With a little perspicacity, and a touch of perspicuity...
What's perspicacity?
We can network the outcomes to create a hands-on process that no one will be able to touch. We will assess our evaluations. We will evaluate our assessments. Then we'll exercise and re-evaluate our already assessed evaluations...
Isn't it a film? Perspicacity and the Sundance Kid?
And I want to thank you for coming here. I look forward to many more sessions in which we can scaffold differentiated tiers, and answer all your outcome-based inquiries with actionable feedback.
Until we interface again, I wish you all dynamic adventures in learner centered, counter-intuitive, higher-order thinking.
Oh, thank you, thank you sweet Jesus....
I've never been so happy to go to my building assignment...
Dog With a Jar on Her Head
3 hours ago