Sunday, January 04, 2015

Hips Don't Lie, But Arne Duncan Does

You remember that wacky funster/ US Education Secretary Arne Duncan? Sure you do. He's the guy who said that Hurricane Katrina was the best thing to happen to education in New Orleans, Louisiana. He also made a ridiculous crack about white suburban moms whose kids weren't so bright. And our leader, Barack Obama, not only let him keep his job after that, but raised not a whisper of objection. To top that off, he was off blathering about how we need to tell second graders whether or not they will be able to go to college.

"Sorry, Suzie, but the aptitude test says you're gonna be a drawbridge oiler. It was written by Pearson, so we know it's accurate. After all, we pre-tested it and it was scored by an eight-dollar-an-hour banjo player from Kentucky, not some special interest unionized teacher from New York. You can't get much more accurate than that."

Now Arne Duncan has had yet another brainstorm.  He actually did an education tweet-a-thon with Shakira, she of the flexible hips, the pride of Colombia. Why does Arne see fit to tweet with a singing star? Well, for one thing, she belly dances a whole lot better than Bill Gates does. (Don't laugh. I haven't seen any of you moving like Shakira.)

For another thing, she has just as much teaching experience as Arne does, and quite possibly more. Who do you think tells the guitar player how loud to play, or tells the backup dancers whether or not they're shaking their booty up to the minute?

This is the state of the art, from our nation's top educator.

If we're a nation at risk, I doubt it has anything to do with teachers, because Arne Duncan has nothing to do with teachers either.
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