6 PM—Secretary Howard Schoor calls us to order.
Speaker one—From Queens—Reads letter—Writing about Bronx Learning Center, out of desperation. All staff works together, but admin employs tactics to ensure division, toxic hostile environment. Some people barred from offices, relocated, causes discomfort. Some frightened to talk around admin. Discourages friendship. Says this place of work only. People working out of title, forced to test students, Students with low scores turned away. Long intake process, lasts over one day. Constantly tested before receiving adequate classroom instruction. Admin will merge ESL classes with basic ed. classes. Unlicensed, uncertified staff doing testing.
Speaker two—continues, imperative that people work in concert, Many documents must be shared, but work piles up and isn’t completed. Paras do same work as teachers and clerical staff. AP harasses rather than helps staff. No consideration of work or deadlines. Deadlines often impossible. Teachers untrained and unsupported. Revolving door for teachers. Staff members have to train and console one another. Formula for failure. We would like to do our jobs without constant fear of retaliation. Over 50 reservations. Inexperienced employees give bad instructions. Students must wait for assistance to generate EPI dollars. Students sign in and do not receive instruction, so that school can get EPI dollars.
Mulgrew is not here.
LeRoy Barr—Staff director’s report—Great Spring Conference, chancellor spoke, sang, engaged with all. Better speech and hearing event 5/30. Support speech chapter. June 1 UFT Pride scholarship brunch, honoring Danny Drumm. DA May 22. EB, June 3.
Arthur Goldstein—Given the new testing law, I’m wondering how you envision our MOSL being calculated. I’m assuming that teachers who’ve previously been mandatorily linked to their own students’ Regents exams will no longer be so, but correct me if I’m wrong. I know that test scores work better in some schools than others. I’m wondering how choices will be made. Will they be systemwide, schoolwide, or will individuals be able to determine their own MOSL?
Jackie Bennett—Law passed. Next regs will be written in June. Regs will be consistent. We no longer need to use any state test. You can if you want, but don’t have to. UFT will have to negotiate. Have to see what regs say. MOSL committees will still decide same way. Exact menu, no more required or forbidden. Details need to be negotiated with DOE first. Don’t think it will be a large change.
Lamar Hughes—Congestion pricing plan—members want to know whether there’s been discussion on how members can be accommodated. People pay multiple fares.
Schoor—Won’t go into effect for two years. Legislature not sure what they’re doing or who will be exempted. Hope to be part of discussion. Will ask Mulgrew to address at DA.
Michael Friedman—If you stay on FDR not subject to congestion pricing.
Jonathan Halabi—ATR pool—How big is it?
Schoor—Below 1,000, will get Mike Sill to answer next time.
Halabi—Are there closings or reductions to push it up?
Schoor—Haven’t heard of any.
Halabi—Who is Mike Sill’s succesor?
Schoor—He’s not going anywhere. You get things added on. They don’t go away.
Halabi—CLs filing consultation online, How many?
Schoor—District 26 in Queens has 100%,
Debbie Poulos—71% as of Friday have reported at least one. Over 1K schools.
Schoor—We look at what schools bring.
Reports from Districts—
Nancy Miller—May 14 successful nurse lobby day. Joint coalition, 5 unions 1K nurses. Met assembly and Senate members. We need bills passed, nurse in every building, no mandatory overtime. Did not like buses.
Janella Hinds—Next Wednesday will be conference, middle schools, high schools, will give flyers. Students will have conversation about addiction.
Schoor—HS Scholarship Awards 176 grads.
Howard Sandell—4/30 nurse celebration 300 people. Great celebrationThanks all who stopped by to say hello.
Rashad Brown—June 1 is Pride brunch. Honoring Danny Drumm. 3 honorees.
Priscilla Castro—May 17 para celebration in Queens. Had principals, superintendent.
Dwayne ?—Was also celebration in Manhattan. June 21 will be boat ride. 15-20 seats left.
Tammy Miller—Family day care providers—May 11, 6 annual provider ceremony, great event, recognized 25 who offered extraordinary services. Anthony Harmon came.
Ellen Driesen—District 20 doing an event in MCU Park. Drinking Jr Highs together. Kids vaping in grades 2,3. Need awareness. Students will perform, Contest for signs and sayings. Tuesday June 28.
Rich Mantel—Had 5K last Saturday. Wasn’t freezing or raining. Nice turnout. Raised money for disaster relief.
Legislative Report—Schoor—Want to challenge hospital bills. Follow that. DOE pays 16K per person, 20K per family.
Liz Perez—Candidate we endorsed, Farah Lewis, won. June 25 will be primary to do all over. Please help June 25. They were very grateful to UFT.
UFT Election Report—Amy Arundell—Met May 8 to review certification of results. Will post document on UFT Website with minutes of our meeting. 197K ballots mailed. 47 received by deadline. 2500 didn’t make deadline. Election committee voted to accept and bring to EB for approval. One complaint filed, will be investigated by Howard Schoor.
Schoor—Dermot Myrie complained. Spoke with him. Complaint not specific enough. Met with him. Discussed his issues. Waiting for response. Tonight we will vote on accepting AAA certification. Will vote on complaint.
Halabi—What was overall % turnout?
Schoor—Election committee voted to accept.
Resolution to accept AAA Official Report.
Arundell—Thanks election committee. Thanks school based folks who came downtown 6 times to support us. Big commitment. Thanks everyone else.
Jeff Sorkin—Welfare Fund—praises health benefits. Prescription drugs—111 million in 2018. Got rebates. Down from previous year. Second biggest dental 86 million. 3rd biggest—optional rider reimbursement—47 million. UFT covers many drugs others don’t, at great cost.
Parental leave—74% of claims for females, 29 million paid. Have been hiccups. Contact us with problems.
Express Scripts contract expires end of year. Will see if we can find additional cost savings. Only 3 providers that can help us. Want additional savings. Main focus 90 day maintenance fill at local pharmacy.
Resolution—Ramadam—Janella Hinds—Asks you support students observing Ramadam. Many educators called about students who had to take AP and NYSESLAT exams during Ramadam. Spoke with educators observing Ramadam. Drafted resolution for your consideration
Arthur Goldstein--Teenagers are perpetually hungry. It's ridiculous to ask them to take these tests while they're fasting.
Aqeel Williams—Happy to have put this together. I am fasting. When I was younger it was harder. Very important that we make sure kids have breakfast. Our children are not, they have pre-dawn meal, but that’s not good enough for children. Thanks Janella.
Opposes Alabama’s Illegal Abortion Law
LeRoy Barr—Woman will motivate on Wednesday. Not just Alabama. Other states too. For all who think voting wasn’t important, this is just one consequence. They promised to do this and they are delivering. Allows others to take a more conservative view, almost making them look reasonable, but they want to overturn Roe v. Wade. We need to organize, to support whatever activities that will follow. We are a union that is mostly women. People who are passing these laws are mostly men. How dare they try and tell a woman what to do with her own body? Asks for support.
Mary Atkinson—Amends 6th whereas—delete conservative from conservative misogynistic We have conservatives who are not misogynistic.
Patricia Filomena—Worked for abortion underground long time ago. Never thought I’d have to do this again. 25 white men voted for this law. State after state will alter law. President objects to Alabama, but wants to do away with Roe.
Ellen Driesen—Not just about Roe. Also about health care. If they cared about life they’d support health care, education, food.
Resolution, revised.
We are adjourned 7:04
Monday, May 20, 2019
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