Monday, May 06, 2019

UFT Executive Board May 6, 2019--Adult Ed.,Merry Christmas from Albany, and Pride

6:00 PM—Secretary Howard Schoor welcomes us.

Speaker—Fran Meyers—Adult ed—Nothing has changed—More U ratings, unjustified. Evaluation system rigged against older teachers. 20% U-rated all in Fed. anti-discrimination laws, in danger of losing CL on false charges. U-rated teachers barred from summer and after school. Former admin made statements about pressure to U-rate, acknowledge by Mulgrew. Mills still heavily involved.

In interests of chapter and students asking for investigation of corruption under Mills in evaluation. Asks for support.


Mulgrew is not here.

LeRoy Barr—Concluded NYSUT RA, thanks for resolutions. All UFT reso approved. 5K run Saturday MCU Park 8:30 AM. That night, home day care providers awards at 52 Broadway 5 PM. Albert Shanker ceremony May 14 6 PM—scholarships. Spring Conference May 18. Please come out. EB May 20 DA May 22. UFT pride committee, D. Drumm brunch June 1st.


Arthur Goldstein—I know a lot of you were in Albany last weekend. I’m glad you all came back. I think there’s something in the water up there.

As you know, a few years back Albany declared us unfit to grade our own students’ state tests. That’s because they manipulate the cut scores year to year to achieve the results they want. Because they manipulate the scores to make them look however they wish, they assume we’ll do the same.

I’m spending last week and this week mostly outside the classroom administering a state test called the NYSESLAT, which has to be the worst test ever written. It places students who cannot compose a coherent sentence into advanced classes.

They’ve also virtually destroyed English instruction for newcomers via a revision of Part 154. Now, instead of people like me actually teach them English, they plant an ESL teacher in the back of a science classroom two days a week and hope for the best. Now, instead of fixing that, they want to make new teachers take a course in language acquisition.

Most recently, they’ve mandated that we come in on yet another day when few to no students will be in attendance. They now ask us to pretend to teach the students who won’t be there. So I have two questions.

First, can you give us an update on December 23rd? Second, can we form a rapid response team so as to preclude and/ or correct future fanciful innovations from the geniuses in Albany? Thank you in advance.

Schoor—still seeking alternatives to 12/23, but they didn’t violate contract. Looking at other ways to fix.

Jackie Bennet—Not as if there isn’t a process.. There is. We weigh in. People come up with things, NYSED presents them to Regents. There is a time period for input, questions. It’s a complicated state with varying opinions. We have a lot of relationships. When a regulation comes out we get it to as many people as we can and try to work with Regents to make things happen. Many other voices make it complicated.

Schoor—We have disagreements with state union sometimes. Even those in same union have differences. We are there though, thanks to Evelyn, who makes our voice heard.

Bennet—Everyone agrees on Part 154. Regs almost impossible to comply with. Much activity.

Jonathan Halabi—I know that you in Albany may not have seen, but charter resolution played well in class. 12/23—beginning to understand. If we can’t get passing time recounted will become a permanent problem. Are we looking to prevent this long term?

Schoor—Happened last year, we stopped it.  Minutes problem in middle and high schools. We have had discussions with state. Problem is with commissioner. We are in discussions. Some NYSUT people tried to count aidable days in August.

LeRoy Barr—Was a resolution. We spoke against it because we don’t want to open that door. Looking at passing time. Commissioner is pushing it. We are pushing back. Many people are ready to vote no confidence. We were close to that. NYSUT officers asked for time first. Based on time, broken tests, we may take this vote. Fight is not over. Will keep you posted. Awards given at NYSUT, Evelyn de Jesus, Joyce Magnus, others.

Halabi—I program high schools. Special ed. in small schools—rampant rewriting of IEPs causes issues, gives teachers 4 and 5 preps. Can we look to fix this?

Schoor—Issue has come up before. Posting for IEP teacher problematic. Changing of IEPs problematic. Will bring to Mary Jo Ginese.

—Should be committee with programmers too.

Schoor—State hired 300 new psychologists to aid compliance.

Report from Districts

Patricia Filomena
—Pride committee having second annual scholarship lunch. Will award to student from each borough. Appreciate your support.

Legislative report—Schoor
—Working on patient protection act, pushing bill. We have city council race 45th coming up May 14. Phone banks opened in Brooklyn office. COPE collections up over last year. Political action important to us. Last year gave 4 million to NYSUT of 10.5 we collected.

SI DA endorsement—Donna Kola
—Mike McMann for DA, in public service 18 years, has endorsed him in past. Has no opponent. Has been in schools. Does a lot of work to educate on drugs. Epidemic in SI. Started program against opioids for schools and community. Introduced education program jointly with UFT. Has other programs against violence, and cruelty to animals. Recommends endorsement.

Schoor—Helped when we had nurse assaulted in hospital.

Kola—Has prosecuted people who commit these assaults.


Resolution in support of Melinda Katz in primary

Anthony Harmon
—Has invested 55 million in public schools, removed trailers, helped Townsend Harris get new principal. Urges endorsement.


Resolution commemorating 50th anniversary Stonewall riots—Rashad Brown—Many years LGBT community discriminated against, on June 28, were sick and tired of being sick and tired and stood up. 50 years later a little has changed but we have a long way to go. This year world pride taking place here in West Village. UFT champion of civil rights. We ask we rededicate ourselves to this cause, and commemorate event with reception. Wants to bring it to boroughs as well. Asks you support this. Pride committee meeting to plan reception, pending passage. Will bring guests.

Pat Crispino
—Asks you support resolution, and content by participating. Have experienced raids of gay bars. There was attitude from police, many of my friends were arrested. Many of use were not out. Please participate. This supports our students as well. Your presence makes a difference when we see your support. Hatred is back these days. Your presence matters. If people see you, they will appreciate your support. Highest rate of teen suicide still gay teens. Still very tough for them.


We are adjourned 6:39.
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