Monday, March 22, 2021

UFT Executive Board March 22, 2021--Confusion Over de Blasio's Hastily Made Plans

UFT Secretary LeRoy Barr--Minutes are approved. Endorsement reso approved.

UFT President Michael Mulgrew--Thanks everyone who participated in endorsement processes. We are still checking people who've passed, and we now have two more which brings us to 78.

Moment of silence. 

Thanks everyone in HS division for a relatively smooth day. We will make sure everyone is following right procedures. 

Mayor--CDC comes out with new guidelines. Convoluted. Medically, they may make sense, but implementation may be an issue. We thought we should read these things and figure it out, but mayor had to jump out and do a big press conference without doing so. There will be a process nonetheless. 

We're not yet out of this. Look at Europe, NJ, and we don't want schools to become clusters. Vaccines are helping, but we see more students getting COVID. Parents are concerned, especially with new variants that affect younger people. If we end up in a fight with the mayor so be it.

Children can be 3 feet apart in classroom, but 6 elsewhere. Adults are six feet always. How can kids eat in classes when they need to be six feet apart? Mayor wants them to take turns, which is ridiculous.

More important piece is opt-in period. We have to do this anyway to plan for summer and September. We need to know how many students will be in person. This week was supposed to be an opt-in week according to our September agreement. Fact is we have a very low opt-in number. Very interested to see what comes of 2 week period.

They are arguing about studies, none of which is based on urban school districts. Will speak with CDC director Wednesday. 

We're now going to try to plan for next year. We're somewhat fighting with the mayor, but still have to move forward. We'll push on intervention teams. City council hasn't yet passed budget.

Having bad time in NYU because they haven't hired nurses. Hopefully we can get some relief over there.

Andrew Yang--We knew this was coming because his consultant has made most of his money attacking us. Was behind Bloomberg. Yang doesn't even know what he's talking about. Members are quite perturbed and pressure needs to stay on. Forum planned for Wed. we come back. Will be live with social distancing. Trying to finalize who we should invite, but Yang as frontrunner should be invited.

Retirees, MLC, moving toward better ways to use our buying power for health care. No one losing Part B reimbursement check. Met with three major hospitals to tell them enough is enough and we may drop them from network. Tired of costs going up 10% every year. We're starting to get response we want. 

When we come back from break, we have to get state budget done, and then we'll move into city budget and mayor's race. 

Questions/ answers

1. DOE will have new opt in period. started today for two weeks.

2. Asynchronous schedule has to be made by teacher and approved by admin.

3. Preference sheets--We asked them to put a hold, since we don't yet know how we're programming. Programming will be done late. Some schools will program anyway, but last year's programs had to be redone. Hoping to have timeline by Thursday. Trying to lower craziness and frustration.

4. CDC guidlines mean schools have to reprogram yet again. We have no idea where we're going this year Mayor makes announcements but doesn't know what he's talking about. If students come in and it's safe, that's okay. Right now, opt-in period runs through break. That's what happens when you make decisions without planning. 

Hope everyone relaxes next week. Travel restrictions changed. Be safe, and thank you for all you've done. 6:19