Monday, March 08, 2021

UFT Executive Board March 8, 2021--Still Chaos for Women's History Month

UFT Secretary LeRoy Barr--Minutes are approved. Happy Women's History Month. Will be a celebration, details forthcoming. Friday is Lobby Day. 

Cassie Prugh--We will be meeting with leaders and chairs Thursday. Friday our PAC and DRs will be lobbying our city and state reps.

Barr--11,000 views of town hall. Link is available for those who wish to listen. CLs need to put election committees in place. Election chairperson must be selected. Email will go out to CLs tomorrow. There wil be electronic voting for schools. Will be balloting for functional chapters. 

UFT President Michael Mulgrew--One week away from anniversary of school closing. Finished APPR, did training. Still working on MOSL. Complaint process is available. HS opening 22nd. May be update. We don't know if staff needs to come in both days.  Will try for either or. Must make sure safety is handled.

PSAL starts when we return. Will have more clarification. Will be up to coaches whether they want to go through summer. 

Federal package passed. Schumer and Glillebrand did great job. Hoping it is done by Wednesday. Will help us quite a bit. Means we will have safety issues funded. We will push for what we need to do for trauma, enrichment. Process has been bogged down. We need to help get students college ready. We will have to do a lot ourselves and shame others into helping. 

Every school system in NYS is now open. LA has a multitude of issues. No matter what they solve, there is new problem.

Governor--We need a budget done. Sad to talk about what governor is doing on National Women's Day. This is very serious. We also have a very important budget. Besides education, state still looking at massive deficit. We want fed money to come in, not allow state to cut because of it. We have to focus on budget, and get it done on time. If this continues, something will have to change. Budget process must go on. I have great faith in Tish James. She will do this properly and transparently. 

We negotiated on HS, have two weeks lead time. Will see what happens with DOE as they get closer to end of de Blasio admin.

Vaccine program running quite well, have almost exhausted our list. If you know someone who needs vaccine, send them to our website.

Positivity rate in schools is dropping, now .5. Same in communities. State number for NYC is 4%. Vaccine working but not out of woods yet. NYS has aggressive vaccination program. 

Schools are set where they are. 70% of families have chosen not to send children to school, HS 80%. Starting conversations with city about next year. Won't be normal, but we don't know what it will be. Lots has to do with medical experts. Cannot be as bad as this year. Fortunately, our plan turned out to be the plan people were using. We consulted experts. 

We will focus on either full time remote, or in person, but we can't guarantee. We will see where we are. 

Thanks everyone for doing training together. Idea was everyone could hear same thing together. Wasn't great PD, but we won't have to deal with DOE not understanding. We all saw the same presentation. 

Questions/ Answers

We already have people working with situation rooms. Might seem complicated, but it isn't. We have a process. 

CDC has new guidance, waiting for breakdown. Not ready to discuss this yet. CDC recommends guidance, state then develops own policies. States opening are disregarding them. We will lobby state if we disagree. 

Q--HS teachers going in PT conference day. Will be hectic--Please consider.

A--Will try to have people choose whatever day, check classroom, and if any program change, have it dealt with.

We will take care of teachers who don't want to work summer keeping retention rights. 

PSAL--Are there school guidelines?

Waiting for them--Different lists for different sports, want some all outdoors. As soon as we have info, will share with coaches.

HS can be used for vaccines on weekends and after school hours. We will relocate sites. Recommend that everyone get vaccinated ASAP. B group 50 mil. C group triple size. 

Thanks everyone. Happy Women's History Month. Supposed to hit 60 degrees tomorrow.