Friday, May 19, 2006

The Good, the Bad, and the Uncertain

Joe Williams over at The Chalkboard has a group of interesting posts. The one I liked the most was the one criticizing those who accuse others of "playing politics." That, I've long thought, is a simply idiotic accusation. Everyone has some sort of cause. Otherwise, why don't we all just sit in comfortable chairs and watch reruns of The Andy Griffith Show?

Joe's other post suggests teachers love charters, because the UFT received 750 applications for 12 openings at its charter school. I'd say teachers love this charter because it comes with all the protections and perks of union membership. As bad as the contract is, relatively speaking, it beats the hell out of working without it, as Klein would like us to do. The volume of applications suggests that the UFT school will have great teachers, will be a great school, and will become a very good argument for union membership in charters.

The prevailing American ethic of screwing workers is good for no one, including our children, whatever schools they may attend. There is simply no better protection for working people than union membership.
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