Monday, August 20, 2007

Ask and Tell

There's a lot of controversy about what we should tell our children, and when we should tell our children about homosexuality. Should we discuss it in sex ed. classes? To me, it seems that not to do so would render a sex ed. class a lot less valuable.

I regularly hear kids shouting things like, "That's so gay," reflecting a mindset full of the same prejudices that plagued every ethnic group that's ever hit Ellis Island. Probably some of the kids who shout this are gay themselves, and eager to fit in. I think that's pathetic and we can do better.

When my daughter was about 5, she asked me, "What does gay mean?"

"Where did you hear that?" I asked, stalling for time. But she didn't know.

So I told her, very simply, what it meant. I certainly hope she won't be among those shouting, "That's so gay."

What have we to fear from giving our kids more information? Does anyone really think learning about homosexuality will make a difference in whether our kids are attracted to boys or girls? Aren't they going to make up their own minds, no matter what we think?

Why don't we just stop pretending ten percent of our population doesn't exist?

Why can't we get by without those handy stereotypical scapegoats?
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