Well, that's a rough task for most of us, of course, but if you're Brenda Belton, the oversight chief of the D.C. Board of Ed., there are a few little things you can do to help out. For one thing, laying out $649,000 for yourself and your buddies helps out a lot:
Belton, 61, admitted to U.S. District Judge Ricardo M. Urbina that she steered about $446,000 in seven no-bid contracts to friends and a cousin and stole $203,000 by paying school funds to a fictitious company she controlled. At the same time, she received $180,000 in illegal payments and kickbacks from friends she helped with school business.
Ms. Belton's career has hit a rocky patch, however, as it appears she will be headed up the river for the next 30 to 37 months. No-bid contracts are a way of life here in Fun City, too, but they can, apparently, be problematic.
Perhaps someone should tell the mayor.
Thanks to reality-based educator