Saturday, October 31, 2009

Charters Lag Behind Public Schools--Mayor Mike Demands More Charters

Mayor-for-life Michael Bloomberg sees privatization as the key to all our woes. After all, look how well it works in the health insurance field. Look what it's done for our national economy. It's kind of like watching the national GOP. In boom times, they say, we need to cut taxes for the wealthy. When times get tough, we need to cut taxes for the wealthy. When we're at war, we need to cut taxes for the wealthy.

So when Mayor-for-life Mike sees troubled public schools, he says we need more charters. When he sees good or improving public schools, he says we need more charters. When he sees inferior charters, he says we need more charters. You can't help but admire the man's consistency.

And Mayor Mike is putting your money where his mouth is, creating tens of thousands more charter seats in his never-ending administration. Your kids in public schools without seats can squeeze in and stand. They may as well get used to it, since their futures entail no unions, fewer benefits, longer hours, and being fired at will by the likes of Eva Moskowitz.

He's now spent more on his campaign than any other American has spent on a political campaign, and you must admit, the man's buying his way in fair and square. Every time the truth gets too loud, Mayor-for-life Bloomberg runs a commercial that's even louder, and everything is beautiful again.
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