Tuesday, October 17, 2006


In the past, I've praised Mayor Bloomberg for improving the school menu by adding whole wheat products and banishing sugary sodas from school vending machines. However, hizzoner seems to have skimped on some more basic elements, like cleanliness.

Almost half of all city schools have violations, and ten percent fail inspections altogether. However, there are no fines or consequences for such schools. After all, what would be the point of the city fining itself?

The Health Department downplayed the cafeteria violations, noting that it had just instituted more rigorous inspections.

Does anyone actually believe this situation is something new?

Thanks to Schoolgal

Update: Union officials demand more pest control. Meanwhile, Schoolgal, our ace correspondent on the scene, has the following report:

The President of RRU (Rat and Roach Union) Randi Rodent responded that the union will not tolerate layoffs or excessing or any R&R member. They further demanded at 25% increase in their labor force and vowed to march on lunchrooms at selected Charter Schools.

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