Monday, January 28, 2008

Mike's Lament

Don't you get sick and tired of people criticizing your school systems? I mean, there you are, closing big schools and reopening them as five small schools, and does anyone even say thank you? Those ungrateful bastards.

Not only that, but then they complain that you don't allow special ed. and ESL kids. So you accommodate their pesky demands, and still no thank you. I mean, there they are, ten real-live special ed. kids in your brand-new academy. That oughta be good enough for anyone, right?

So what if you didn't actually hire a special ed. teacher or provide mandated services? You've got a presidential campaign to attend to, for goodness sakes! I mean, can't these people just shut up for one cotton picking minute? If they're so unhappy with the public schools, why can't they just lay out twenty grand for a good private school?

What's wrong with these people anyway?

Thanks to Schoolgal
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