One of the key problems with mayoral control is that there's no one whatsoever to speak for kids. Joel Klein, a political appointee who serves at the whim of Mayor Mike, can protest from here to doomsday if the state reduces aid. Unfortunately, when the city does the same, he can't criticize the mayor at all. Fortunately, the City Council is doing
the job Mr. Klein is supposed to do.
Mayor Mike has money for sports teams owned by billionaires, but when it comes to kids, well, when it's time to walk the plank, it's "Children First."
What a disgrace that an administration that talks so much about accountability consistently refuses to take any whatsoever, blaming the state for it's own choices. What a disgrace that the administration responsible for a huge reduction in the CFE award pointedly tries to avoid using it for quality education and reduction of the highest class sizes in the state.
Honestly, I don't know how they sleep at night.